Did you ever want to learn to crochet? Do you need a little encouragement and motivation to start?
I have an easy beginner booklet to get you started today.
Welcome to my learn how to crochet for beginners book. This is a picture instructional book to teach you to start crocheting and make a small pot holder/mug rug project by the end. You can also follow along on my YouTube channel for step by step videos too.
Download and use as an e-book or print the pdf and make a booklet.
20 Pages of beautiful color photos
Easy to read
Supplies you need listed
Simple to follow written instructions
YouTube Tutorial added along
Pictures to follow along to
Project completed by the end
Feel confident crocheting
This is for a PDF download of the eBook for your computer, smart phone or tablet. If you want a physical copy, you will have to print it off.
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This learn to crochet for beginners booklet is designed to help you every step of the way.
Start crocheting today!
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